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Apple Cabbage Cole Slaw Recipe

This apple cabbage cole slaw recipe is mayonnaise free thanks to a creamy apple cider vinegar dressing.

Apple Cabbage Cole Slaw Recipe

Here’s the cabbage salad I promised you last week.  I figure most people know the basics of how to make cole slaw, but in case you weren’t aware, any salad made primarily of shredded cabbage and dressed in a mayonnaise or vinaigrette is typically known as cole slaw (or coleslaw).  This cole slaw is a very easy apple and red cabbage recipe that used local produce, making it a satisfying side dish financially and ethically (not to mention the great taste!)


I tend to prefer vinegar cole slaw recipes to the ones dripping in mayonnaise.  But sometimes I want a little creaminess to my slaw and that’s when this cole slaw dressing recipe comes into play.  I just use a few tablespoons of cream, and thicken it up with apple cider vinegar.  The vinegar curdles the cream giving it a taste similar to buttermilk.


The apple cider vinegar flavor is enhanced by the apples in the salad.  A bit of onion and garlic powder help add some savory flavor and a hint of honey plays on the sweetness of the produce.  I’ve sometimes left the honey out if I have very sweet apples, but most people seem to prefer it with honey.

This is definitely a crunchy cole slaw recipe, not to soggier variety my husband usually prefers.  The good news is,  it’s my first cole slaw that Eric’s actually liked eating immediately after I made it instead of waiting for the crunch to dissipate.


As I’m eating this winter salads, I’m dreaming of the future crop I will grow in my very own garden.  Last year I just planted herbs, kale and tomatoes.  It was our first year in the new house and I needed to focus on renovating the house itself, not much time for gardening.  I pretty much put seedlings in the ground and then ignored them unless I was picking something.

kale 1 year old

It was a terrible growing season and I got six tomatoes.  The kale and herbs did really well though.  This year I have a plan. In fact I have a “Dream Garden Plan”.  It’s not set in stone, but helps me figure out how I want to use our space.

dream garden plan

This is probably a five year plan, as much as I’d like to I know I won’t finish this in one or even two years, especially the paths.  It also takes time to get fruit trees and plants established.

raspberry canes

I just got 15 raspberry canes and a thornless blackberry bush from the fruit orchard where we get our apples.  I’ve been working an hour at a time after work (sometimes in the hail!) digging the grass up to plant them.

I grossly underestimated how much time it would take to make my garden plan a reality.  The most difficult part so far is digging up grass and moss to create planting beds.  Although it won’t be time to plant most things for a couple months, I’m trying to get the areas for planting as prepared as I can.


The first day I started, I had 45 mintues of free time between work and starting dinner.  I decided to try and dig up a 15 inch wide strip of grass along the sidewalk in our back yard in that time.  Rather than getting a 16 foot long bed dug, I got three feet done!

sidewalk garden bed bricks

It was better than nothing though and eventually I got it all done.  Once the ground is a little softer and drier I’ll work in some compost and mulch and seat the bricks in better.

apple and hazelnut trees

We also have a hazelnut tree, apple tree and plum tree.  Unfortunately they are severely overgrown and haven’t been pruned in years and years.  I’m hoping to find someone to come take a look at them and tell me if they’re salvageable or not.  I hate to cut down perfectly good trees, but right now they have branches falling off and seem really unhealthy.  Any suggestions? plum tree

I’d love to hear if you have any gardening advice or are just learning to garden yourself.  What foods do you want to grow for yourself?


Cabbage Apple Slaw Recipe

serves 8-10


1/2 medium red cabbage, finely chopped (about 3 cups)
1 red apple, cored and finely chopped
3 TBS cream
1 1/2 TBS apple cider vinegar
1 1/2 TBS honey
1/2 tsp onion powder
1/2 tsp garlic powder


Toss together the chopped cabbage and apple in a large bowl.  In a small bowl whisk together cream and vinegar.  Let stand one minute to thicken.

Whisk honey, onion powder and garlic powder into the thickened cream.  Drizzle the dressing over the cabbage and apples and toss to coat.

Approximate cost/serving: I got a head of cabbage for $1.29 and the apple for 30 cents.  The whole recipe came out to just $1.30, split 8 ways that’s only 16 cents a serving!!!

Vegetarian/Gluten Free: Yes to both.

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Nutritional and cost information is for estimating purposes only, and subject to variations due to region, seasonality, and product availability.

3 thoughts on “Apple Cabbage Cole Slaw Recipe”

  1. Diana, you’re right, stripping that sod at the beginning is a pain. One of the best investments you can make at this stage is in a good, heavy nursery spade, if you don’t already have one.

    For future beds, you could consider raised beds and using newspaper in the fall to cover the bed and kill the grass by spring planting. No need to strip sod. Google: newspaper planting bed for tips.

    My favorite method of gardening, without having a huge backyard veggie garden, is to make 3’x3′ encased, raised beds. That’s a perfect size to be reachable on all sides for someone under 5’4″. I made mine with composite wood using corner brackets. Easy. High initial outlay – never need to replace, however. One can start with a few and add until one reaches one’s ability to maintain – time, travel, kids, space, etc.

    A wonderful resource is forums.gardenweb.com (not affiliated – just a happy user).

  2. Do chickens count as a garden item? We started composting last year in hopes of being able to feed some new beds this year. I think we have some free blueberry and raspberry plants coming our way. But we reaaaally want to get some trees going, not sure what KIND, just some trees so in a few years they’ll be nice and prodictive. Other than that maybe some carrots/onions/ some of what I’d consider more hearty to grow/harder to kill 😉 Maybe make one or two beds this year and branch out. I hope to find good deals on trees this year!


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