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Yet Another Reason I Love Hellmann’s

hellmanns-cage-free(photo used w/permission Copyright Moyan Brenn)

I’ve mentioned on multiple occasions how much I love Hellmann’s mayonnaise (or Best Foods as they’re called in our part of the country).  I love the quality of their product, made simply and perfectly with real ingredients such as eggs, oil and vinegar.  But now they’re giving me another reason to call them my favorite brand of mayonnaise. Hellmann’s is on a mission to use 100% cage free eggs in all its products.  They’ve begun to add cage free eggs to Real Mayonnaise and will remain committed to increasing use as supply becomes available. In fact, they’ve made a commitment to use 100% cage free eggs in all their products by 2020!

You can check out the video below to see their presence at the 2012 Food and Wine Classic in Aspen.  I have to say I’m very intrigued by the ice cream made with Hellmann’s mayonnaise.  Sounds gross but everyone seemed really impressed!

Now of course I’m excited to share about their commitment to cage free eggs, but I’m also excited to tell you that you can enter for a chance to attend next year’s Food and Wine Classic!  Visit the Hellmann’s Facebook page for a chance to win all sorts of prizes.  I’ve of course already entered since I’d give up my favorite frying pan in a heartbeat for a chance to be a part of the Food and Wine Classic.

We’ve talked a lot about where food comes from.   One of the main reasons I want to raise chickens is to know exactly where the eggs our family eats come from.  Have you thought much about cage free eggs?  Do you raise your own chickens for eggs, buy them locally, or pay attention in the grocery store?  Is it even something that matters to you?  I’d love to know!


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4 thoughts on “Yet Another Reason I Love Hellmann’s”

  1. I’ve been buying cage free eggs for a couple years now. After I saw Food, Inc, I really started thinking about where my food comes from, and how I feel about it.

    I’m so happy to see that Best Foods will be making mayo with care free eggs.

  2. I care as much about eggs as anything I eat because I’ve noticed a tremendous difference in taste. There is not a noticeable difference between the different qualities of eggs available at the supermarket or even so-called farm-fresh eggs at the local farmers’ market. I really notice the difference when I buy from small, local farmers who let their chickens forage in the garden. I have yet to visit these farms to check out the actual living conditions, but instinct tells me these exceptionally tasty eggs must come from happy chickens. So-called free range and cageless chickens may not necessarily live in ideal conditions either. This is why it’s worthwhile to know your farmers.

    • Thanks Van Waffle! I completely agree, local farms (or even better, raising your own chickens) is definitely they to get the most flavorful nutritious eggs and know the living conditions of the animals. I often make my own mayonnaise with local eggs, but when I do buy mayonnaise it’s always Best Foods (Hellmann’s) so it encourages me that they’re moving in the right direction.


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