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Mason Jar Baby Bottle Kickstarter you HAVE to see!

Mason jar baby bottle kickstarter.

I am so excited about these mason jar baby bottles, that before the kickstarter even launched, I e-mailed the inventors to ask for more details and photos so I could share it with you. This is not a sponsored post at all, I just truly want to see their kickstarter succeed.

Those of you who have been reading our blog for a long time know that every year we try to make a family change to be healthier. Two years ago, our change was to move away from plastics to safer options like glass, stainless steel, and silicone.

It was pretty difficult searching for affordable glass baby bottles, especially when you don’t know what your baby is going to like. I ended up getting 8 different varieties of glass bottles and nipples, and neither of my babies liked any of them!

The only bottle nipple they would take was the wide mouthed variety, because it’s the most like a breast. Unfortunately, none of the glass bottles were wide mouth, so we had to use plastic.

But more and more studies continue to show the chemicals that are leached by plastics, and I’ve avoided using bottles specifically because of that.

Mason jar baby bottle kickstarter.

Then a few weeks ago I saw this picture of the mason jar baby bottle on Facebook, and got SO excited.

We have a whole bookshelf full of mason jars that we use for canning, vases, gift giving, storing sauces and dressings, pretty much anything you can use a jar for. How wonderful would it be to have a wide mouth bottle nipple that fits right on the jars we already own?

You can freeze pumped milk right in the jars, transport it in the jars without worrying about leaks, and even turn the nipple upside down to store it in the jar and keep it sanitary!

Mason jar baby bottle kickstarter.

The mason jar baby bottle (or mason bottle as they call it) was developed by Laura and Sebastian Belmar when they had similar concerns about plastics after the birth of their son. Mason jars already come in 4 and 8 ounce sizes, just like baby bottles, so they just needed to design a nipple to fit.

Laura and Sebastian loved the mason jar baby bottle so much, that they decided it was something they had to share.

Just think of the impact these mason jar baby bottle nipples could make!

Mason jar baby bottle kickstarter.

They can greatly reduce the plastic waste of milk storage bags, provide a healthier safer option for bottle feeding babies, and an affordable healthy option for low income moms and babies. Mason jars are just 30 cents at our local Goodwill, WAY more affordable than even a second hand glass baby bottle. They are also easier to clean than bottles, and don’t require buying a special brush.

Mason jars are made of very strong, thick glass, and Laura and Sebastian have not had any issues with jars breaking, but they’ve designed a silicone sleeve for those who want one.

I’ve already backed their kickstarter, and I’m sharing it with you in the hopes that you will too. Even if you don’t have a baby who needs one, you can simply give a cash donation, or you can choose to have your mason jar baby bottle (or bottles depending on your level of backing) be donated to a homeless prenatal program that they have partnered with.

Mason jar baby bottle kickstarter.


For those of you who don’t know how kickstarter works, they have a limited window of time *December 4th is deadline) to raise the full amount they need. If they don’t meet that amount, all the backers will have their funding returned.

But we’re not going to let that happen! Please visit their kickstarter, watch their video, choose a funding option (as little as $5), and then share it with your friends. Let’s make this awesome concept a reality!

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